          聂晖-- 聂晖,女,中国集琴、诗、书画、印艺术创作与学术研究于一体的文人型书画家。先后任重庆大学艺术学院造型中心副主任,履一书院院长,重庆青年书法家协会副主席。中国书法家协会、中华诗词学会会员。先后获首届妇女书法比赛金奖、第二届绘画赛银奖,第二届国际(日本)书法展银奖。先后于英国、美国、印尼、新加坡、马来西亚、澳门、北京、江苏、重庆等地举办个人诗书画展、古琴音乐会23场。作品在澳大利亚、巴西等海内外30多个城市展出,被中国文字博物馆、美国拉斯维加斯自然历史博物馆等收藏。先后应邀到英国伦敦玛丽女王大学、威尔士三一圣大卫大学、美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)、印尼慈育大学、马来西亚南方大学、中国北京大学、首都图书馆等海内外讲学200余场。 与谢飞东先生合撰书法文字学专著《读字》、《读字识中国》全国热销,被中国国家图书馆收藏。出版个人诗书画印作品集《造化心源》、《汉字之美》,合著《连横诗词选注》、《乐读国学》等。 Niehui’s resume Nie Hui is a literati painter and calligrapher who integrates the creation of music, poetry, calligraphy and paintings with academic studies. She is the deputy director of Plastic Arts Center of the College of Art of Chongqing University, president of Lv Yi Academy. deputy president of Chongqing Young Calligraphers Association. She is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and Chinese Poetry Association. She won the gold medal in the 1st Women’s Calligraphy Competition and the silver medal in the 2nd Painting Competition,and the silver medal in the 2nd International(Japan) Calligraphy Exhibition. She...[详细+]
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